
With composer John Carmichael at Menhuin Hall
Mozart Horn Concerto No.3
Richard Strauss: Second Horn Concerto
In the studio
Getting my ears cleaned in Singapore
With the Horns and Wagner Tubas of the
Singapore Symphony Orchestra
Essaouira, North Africa
Beethoven’s “Eroica”
Peter and the Wolf
Paxman Horn
With the Horns of the Longborough Festival Opera
With the Singapore Symphony Orchestra Horns
Strauss Sinfonia Domestica
Rehearsing Mahler’s Tenth Symphony,
with Esbjerg Ensemble
Talking about……..something………..
In the recording studio
Outdoor concert in Italy
On tour with……..ELVIS PRESLEY?!?!?
At the Brooklyn Academy of Music, NY
Saudi Arabia (it was SO cold!)
Getting away from it all in the USA
Arriving at Macchu Pichu
A day off in the Lake District
……home from a tour.

Another passion.